The Department Of Mathematics was established in the year 1968. The Department seeks to foster a love for Mathematics in the students, develop their analytical skills and train them to delve deeper into the subject. The Department offers an Under Graduate course in Mathematics and two certificate courses, namely, Basic Mathematics for Competitive exams and Statistical tools and Latex Software for Project preparation. To nurture the learning capability and to enhance the investigative ability of the students, every year we organize Student Enrichment Workshops, Problem solving workshops, foundation courses, bridge courses, PG entrance coaching, JAM coaching, etc. An Inter-Collegiate Mathematics Quiz competition is conducted annually in the memory of our colleague Prof. K. J. Johnson who passed away in 1987. The winners are given the ‘Prof. K. J. Johnson Memorial' Ever Rolling Trophy, Cash prizes and Certificates.
Our Department has a meritorious past, an energetic present and a glorious future. Academic excellence wise, our students have always made it to the Kerala University Top Ten ranks. We have a competent student community who gets into prestigious institutions for their higher education and gets placed into reputed companies through campus interviews.