It shall be the duty of every citizen of India to develop the scientific temper, humanism and the spirit of inquiry and reform
…….Article 51 A(h), Constitution of India
Bishop Moore College, Mavelikara, is committed to promote a research culture among faculty and students for developing a scientific temper and research aptitude in line with Article 51A(h) of the Constitution of India. The College aims to identify and promote socially relevant research projects for the betterment of the society thereby contributing to the advancement of the country. The College also aspires to train the future scientists of the country.
As an affiliated College of the University of Kerala, Thiruvananthapuram, the research policy of Bishop Moore College, Mavelikara, complies with the research policies and rules & regulations of the University of Kerala, and also to the University Grants Commission (UGC). The rules and regulations are revised as per the revisions and guidelines of the UGC and the University of Kerala. Bishop Moore College has two approved Research Centres (Department of Physics and Department of Chemistry) of University of Kerala, facilitating research leading to the award of Ph. D. by the University. The Research Policy of Bishop Moore College is administered by the Interdisciplinary Research Committee of the College.
The Research Policy of Bishop Moore College, Mavelikara, provides the framework for the development and implementation of research activities of the College, which is affiliated to the University of Kerala.
The Research Policy applies to all research scholars and research guides registered with the research centres of Bishop Moore College, Mavelikara; as well as to all students and faculty of Bishop Moore College, Mavelikara.
1. To create an environment conducive for research and to provide the necessary support for research activities of the College
2. To identify and inform researchers about the appropriate research opportunities, fellowships, grants and schemes announced by different academic/research/industry/ government organizations
3. To encourage researchers to undertake socially relevant research projects with potential for commercialization and patenting
4. To create awareness and educate the researchers about patents and Intellectual Property Rights and motivate them to apply for patents
5. To coordinate all the research activities of the College and to promote interdisciplinary research between the various departments of the College as well as to encourage and initiate collaborations with industries/Universities/higher education institutes and establish linkages and MoUs both locally and globally
6. To implement anti-plagiarism policies in research projects, dissertations, publications, etc.
7. To ensure quality publications in journals approved by UGC and also to facilitate the participation of researchers in workshops/seminars/conferences
8. To motivate and facilitate UG/PG students to pursue research in various disciplines
Code of Ethics for Research:
1. All students and faculty pursuing research in the College are expected to maintain high standards of integrity and honesty in all the work undertaken by them.
2. The number of students under a research guide is as per the guidelines of the University of Kerala, Thiruvananthapuram.
3. An attendance register is maintained for full time research scholars. Leave/absence is permissible on written request from the research scholar, recommended by the research supervisor.
4. Permission must be sought by the research scholars from the Principal for attending/participating in any conference/ seminar/workshop.
5. A full time research scholar should not have fulltime employment in any other organisation.
6. Research centre fees should be remitted by the research scholar every semester. Penalty will be levied on late payment.
7. The research scholars should make a presentation of his/her progress of research work before the research committee once in every six months for the preparation of half yearly progress report.
8. A Pre-Ph.D. presentation shall be made by the research scholar on completion of research and draft thesis.
9. A research scholar shall publish a minimum of two research papers in a UGC approved refereed journal before the submission of the thesis for evaluation. Research papers published by the research scholars and the faculty of Bishop Moore College should bear the name and address of the College as affiliation.
10. One copy each of the Ph.D. thesis should be submitted to the College library and to the concerned Department.
Policy on Anti-Plagiarism
Bishop Moore College, Mavelikara, follows the anti-Plagiarism policy statement of the University of Kerala, which has a zero tolerance policy towards plagiarism and other malpractices.
Good Academic Research Practices
Bishop Moore College follows the Guidance Document on Good Academic Research Practices (GARP), September 2020 of the University Grants Commission which gives information on the good practices for quality, impactful and ethical research.
Mandatory Pre-registration Course Work
The two credit course “Research and Publication Ethics (RPE)” for awareness about the publication ethics and publication misconducts is mandatory for all M.Phil and Ph.D. students.
Minimum Standards and Procedure for Award of MPhil/PhD Degrees