The College has become an active hub of research and innovation with well-equipped laboratories, large number of publications in international journals, a number of research projects, the research facilities being enhanced by utilizing funds under the DST-FIST scheme and KSCSTE SARD project scheme. The College has vibrant Research Centres in the Departments of Physics and Chemistry and they are supported by the DST- FIST scheme of the Govt. of India and the KSCSTE-SARD scheme of the Govt. of Kerala.
Centre for Advanced Functional Materials (CAFM) is an incubation centre for advanced research in functional materials in the Department of Physics, sanctioned in 2011 as an approved Research Centre of University of Kerala. The facilities provided by the centre include sophisticated instruments for synthesis, design and characterisation of organic, inorganic and nano materials including RF Sputtering Unit, High Temperature Furnace, Hydrothermal furnace, Autoclave, UV Vis Spectrophotometer, Photoluminescence Spectrophotometer, TGA DTA DSC Apparatus, FT IR Spectrophotometer, WorkStation computers, Spin coater, etc. There are 11 research scholars pursuing PhD under the guidance of four University approved Research Guides. The Centre has been supported by the DST FIST scheme of Govt of India and KSCSTE SARD scheme of Govt of Kerala. On an average, 10 research papers are published yearly, in peer reviewed International journals, from the centre. The centre has three functional MoUs with reputed industries whereby resources are exchanged. Four Doctoral Degrees have been produced by the centre.
Centre for Nanoscience and Human Milk Research (CNHMR) is an incubation centre for advanced research in synthesis of Biocomposite Films, Nano materials and human milk powder, sanctioned in 2009 as an approved research centre under the University of Kerala. There are 6 research scholars pursuing PhD under the guidance of 4 University approved research guides.The centre has been supported by DST FIST scheme of Government of India. The research centre has to its credit two Indian patents. The centre has executed several major and minor research projects funded by DST, KSCSTE and UGC. It has conducted various collaborative research projects with reputed institutions like Pushpagiri Research Centre, Rajiv Gandhi Institute of Technology etc.,
The centre has 2 ongoing projects of 40 lakhs and 31 lakhs respectively, funded by the DST and DBT, Government of India. More than 120 publications have been produced in peer reviewed international journals from the centre till date. In addition, more than 40 book chapters and 5 books have been edited by the centre. The centre has produced 4 Doctoral degrees.
The College has 16 Research Guides who are well entrenched in the area of their expertise. There are 85 publications in international/UGC CARE listed journals during 2018-22 of which 9 are PG student projects. Five teachers have ongoing/completed Major Research Projects and 11 have completed Minor Research Projects. The teachers of the College hold Patents. The College has associated with agencies like UGC, KSCSTE, KSHEC, Indian Science Academies and GAD-TLC of MHRD in organising several National and International Conferences, FDPs as well as Refresher Courses and Lecture Workshops. The College has an MoU with Pushpagiri Research Centre to promote research in the bio-medical field. A collaborative research project on 'Human Breast Milk Powder' funded by Department of Bio-technology Government of India is under progress.