Solar Energy Power Plant
With an objective to play a vital role in creating awareness about solar energy among our students and by utilizing rooftop solar power plant to demonstrate that we are already part of the future, in 2021 the college installed the Solar Energy Plant of 50 KW.Other objectives of the project, were decreasing the environmental impact and making our campus greener and more eco-friendly. We also have a vision to decrease our institution’s carbon footprint. Our campus is situated in the area in which there is acute shortage of electricity. It effects the smooth functioning of the campus. Electricity charges also have risen over the past ten years. Our college is also a victim to the price hikes as the then average electricity bill of the college is Rs 45,000/month. With the installation of solar panels, the college could enjoy affordable power and an ideal for reducing energy bills. The solar panels not only produce energy but they also stand out as a unique social and cultural symbol. Solar power will offer a dependable source of unlimited energy. Total Installed Capacity in kW: 50 Total average kWh per day: 3.5 Total Annual Generating Capacity (kWh): 63875 Energy generated annually in Lakhs: 5.28 Investment in Lakhs: 35.56067 Simple Pay Back (in months): 85.29 Life Cycle in years: 25 Total saving in life cycle in Lakhs: 131.90 Sustainability Major raw material in installation is silicon and glass, which is abundant and non-toxic. Hence minimal air and water pollution only is associated with the installation Technical and Environmental Risks Being roof top PV plant, no environmental risks are involved