Green Policy
Environment-friendly practices and education find a way through the Green Campus concept. It helps to enhance the effectiveness of the teaching-learning process and to develop sustainable solutions to environmental, social and economic needs of mankind. It re-defines the environmental culture of the institution and fosters the need of the hour requirement in protecting the environment.
Objectives of the Go-Green Programme
The programme aims at making the campus eco-friendly. It aims to reduce the plastic usage and thus save the environment from the possible threats of plastic disposal. It fosters research activities oriented towards promoting the use of green products. The programme also aims to reduce the paper usage inside the campus. The initial stage of striving towards the objectives is constituting a Go-Green committee.
Go-Green Committee
A Go-Green committee was constituted in order to form a working proposal for the Green Campus. The committee comprises the IQAC Coordinator as the Chairman and teaching and non-teaching staff as members, nominated by the Principal. The Committee acts as a recognised Cell under the Social Entrepreneurship, Swachhta & Rural Engagement cell of Mahatma Gandhi National Council for Rural Engagement, Government of India.
The committee formulates action plan towards the following:
Plastic ban inside the campus.
Protecting rare and endangered species of trees.
Landscaping with trees and plants.
Rain water harvesting system
Limiting the entry of automobiles inside the campus.
Maintaining Pedestrian friendly pathways.
Promoting research on green products and replacement of plastic materials.
Promoting green synthesis methods in research
Proper Waste Management
Role of the Green Campus Programme
The programme creates awareness among the staff, students and the society on the importance of conserving nature and preserving rare species of flora and fauna. It seeks viewpoints, guidelines and co-operation from the stakeholders for implementing the Green campus initiatives effectively. It links the Green campus activities with the academics. The programme, in association with the Bhoomithrasena Club, NCC (National Cadet Corps) and NSS (National Service Scheme) units of the college, conducts webinars on topics related to environment and plans and executes activities related to environment protection. It promotes the policy of reduce, reuse, recycle and repair, wherever possible.
Major Green Campus Initiatives include:
A separate area is earmarked as a parking lot where the staff and students park their vehicles, thereby preventing the entry of vehicles inside the campus.
Car pooling –Utilized by staff from long distances (eg: staff coming from Kottayam, Kollam, etc.)
Pedestrian friendly roads – All roads inside the campus are pedestrian friendly as it is always kept clean, with trees on both sides providing shade. It is safe for differently abled persons as well, since entry of vehicles is prohibited inside the campus.
Plastic free campus –“Beat the Plastic''. Plastic free campaign is organized by the NSS and Bhoomithrasena volunteers by cleaning the premises of the campus once in a week and collecting plastic pens, refillers, wrappers, carry bags etc. for recycling.
Training on Paper bag making is given regularly for students and kudumbasree members, to be used as an alternative for plastic bags.
Use of steel plates, cups and spoons –Since the use of disposable cups and plates are banned in the campus, all departments use steel bowls, cups, plates and spoons while providing refreshment during the conduct of Seminars/Conferences/Refresher Courses.
Minimal Paper Usage–Google drive and Cloud is used for storing documents. Emails, Social Media and SMS systems are being used to communicate with students and staff.
Digital Library – PG students and staff from all departments are given access to INFLIBNET.
Green Practices in Research –Research centres in the college focus on developing Green products for replacing plastic materials.
Conduct of Green Audit, Energy Audit and Environment Audit
Observance of Environment Day- Environment awareness posters were created and webinar was conducted as part of Environment day programme.
World Wetlands Day celebrated.
Environment consciousness programmes are conducted inside and outside the campus through the active participation of NSS and Bhoomithrasena volunteers.
Planting of trees –The NSS unit and Bhoomithrasena Club actively participates in afforestation and greening programmes in the campus and community. As part of sensitising the students on environmental issues, various outreach programmes are conducted by the college apart from the programmes organized in the college.
Shanthisthal –A project in which a protected area is maintained to conserve the natural ecosystem.
A Green House is maintained inside the campus.
A medicinal plant garden – preserved inside the campus.
Preservation of rare and endangered species of trees inside the campus-The botanical name of each of these species is given. The QR code on the name board can be scanned to get further details regarding the same.
Use of LEDs to reduce power consumption.
Increasing the number of trash bins across the campus.
Creating awareness among the students and community regarding the importance of keeping the environment clean.
Water collected through the water harvesting system and from rain pits are utilized for first level cleaning processes.
The college, through its Green Campus programme, is volunteering in creating awareness among the students, staff and community regarding the importance of conserving nature through the active participation of Bhoomithrasena members and the NSS units of the college. We are also catering to the immediate need of the hour by promoting research in the area of green products and brainstorming students and community on the various options available for replacing plastic materials from our day-to-day life. The college will remain a boon to the society through its various extension activities.