(StEP) Staff Enrichment Programme
StEP (Staff Enrichment Programme) was an initiative launched in 2017 by the Internal Quality Assurance Cell.
Teaching is a strenuous job and managing the administrative side too takes its toll on the non teaching staff. An employee with an healthy body and a healthy mind is a prerequisite for a burgeoning work place. Recognizing this, the College has initiated StEP an initiative designed to ameliorate the physical, emotional, mental and monetary well being of the employees and thereby harness their potential to the maximum. The various activities under StEP include Professional Development Activities, Recreation Activities and Financial Assistance Measures.
Induction/Training Programmes: The College conducts induction training programme for the newly recruited Teaching/Non-Teaching Staff with structured syllabus with a duration of not less than 5 days. They are groomed into the niceties of the job at hand.
Faculty Development Programmes in association with reputed institutes: The college regularly organises faculty development programmes in association with the Science Academies' of India, PMMMNMTT scheme of Guru Angad Dev Teaching learning Centre and IIT Bombay Spoken Tutorial Programme.
Staff Retreats: The Teaching and Non Teaching Staff of the College also benefit from retreats held at the College.
Sports: The College has a Staff Recreation Room, rich with indoor games like Caroms, Chess, Table Tennis and a small library. This is the place where the teachers and the non teaching staff unwind after a long day at work. Besides this, there is an indoor badminton court which is abuzz with activity after working hours. The College Staff is also encouraged to make use of the basket ball court in the College Hostel and also the College Cricket/Football ground.
Staff Tour: Every year the College arranges for a Staff Recreation Tour to a place of verdant beauty. This has proved to a very successful detoxifying measure and an immensely successful team building activity.
The College also has a functioning Cooperative Society that chips in with help when the chips are down in form of monetary exigency for the employees.
- To identify the issues faced by the employees and to find solution for the same
- To give them a forum to give vent to their creative talents and also to give voice to their grievances, if any.
- To foster kinship among the employees by giving them an opportunity to spend quality time together.
- To ease the monitory issues faced by employees by facilitating possibilities for easy availability of loan.