Seat : 150 | Department of Malayalam & Sanskrit
Communication is a skill which involves systematic and continuous process of speaking, listening and understanding. Most of the people are born with the physical ability to talk, but we must learn to speak well and communicate effectively to be successful. Moreover, the world at present has changed drastically due to globalization and the resultant confluence of different cultures. In today’s competitive world no organization could remain local and everyone aims to expand across the globe. Communicating smartly and efficiently is thus pivotal for a head start in one's dream career and life in general.
Speaking, listening and our ability to understand verbal and nonverbal cues are the skills we acquire mostly by observing other people and by modelling our behavior on what we see and perceive. Often, the basic communication skills imparted through the curriculum is found insufficient to make our students really competent in communicating effectively. This programme intends to address this crisis among our students by supplementing the curricular knowledge with interesting and engaging interactive sessions where the students could gain mastery over communication through practice, evaluation and feedback